Ada Pelin

Ada Pelin

Expozitie de Grup "Povesti" @JCC Bucuresti, 12 Iunie-15 August 2014

Expozitie de Grup "Povesti" @JCC Bucuresti, 12 Iunie-15 August 2014

Expozitie de Grup "Gradina cu Artisti" @Gradina Icoanei, 12-13 Aprilie 2014

Expozitie de Grup "Gradina cu Artisti" @Gradina Icoanei, 12-13 Aprilie 2014

Vernisaj "Arta la Feminin" Grupul 4Art, 5 Martie 2014, 18.00 hrs @Palatul Spayer

Vernisaj Expozitie Grup 4Art "Love" 14 Februarie 2014 ora 18.00 Bistro InSpayer, Str.Batistei 24A

Vernisaj Expozitie Grup 4Art "Love" 14 Februarie 2014 ora 18.00 Bistro InSpayer, Str.Batistei 24A

Vernisaj Expozitie "Metamorphosis" September 12, 2013 @Salon InLight

Vernisaj Expozitie "Metamorphosis" September 12, 2013 @Salon InLight

FINISAJ Expozitie "Urban Jungle Dreams" 18 August 2013, 17.30 hrs @JCC

FINISAJ Expozitie "Urban Jungle Dreams" 18 August 2013, 17.30 hrs @JCC

"Urban Jungle Dreams" Digital Art Exhibition on May 14th, 2013, 17.30 hrs @JCC

"Urban Jungle Dreams" Digital Art Exhibition on May 14th, 2013, 17.30 hrs @JCC

OPENING RECEPTION EXHIBITION "Cherchez la Femme", April 2nd, 2013, 18.00 hrs

"Cherchez la Femme" Digital Art Exhibition by Adriana Pelin, opening on Tuesday, April 2nd, 2013, at 18.00 hrs @Ceainaria TABIET, Str.Popa Savu no.20,

Vernisaj Expozitie "Passion Dreams" 23 Februarie 2011 "Livada cu visini"

"Passion Dreams" digital art exhibition by Adriana Pelin, opening on February 23, 2011 @ "Livada cu visini"

I kindly invite you to visit also my GRAPHIC DESIGN Site...

After visiting this "digital art" site, that I truly hope you will enjoy, I kindly invite you also to visit my "graphic design" site, if you click on the following link:
or on "Ada's Camouflage" banner below, to see some of my different creations!



TVR CULTURAL "Lectia de privit"/"Lesson to watch" PART I

TVR CULTURAL, "Lectia de Privit" art show, aired on October 29, 2010, presented by Radu George Serafim, Digital Art Exhibition "My Chic Summer Collection" by Adriana Pelin at Arts Concept Cafe. Please click below to view the show PART I :

TVR CULTURAL "Lectia de privit/"Lesson to watch" PART II

Please click below to view PART II:

Imi face o deosebita placere sa va invit sa faceti o incursiune uimitoare vizitand expozitia mea de arta digitala "My Chic Summer Collection" si sa luati parte la Vernisajul care va avea loc Joi, 26 August 2010, la orele 19.00, gazduit cu o extraodinara bunavointa de "Arts Concept Cafe" din Bucuresti, Str.Dr.Turnescu nr.1
It is a great pleasure to invite you to take an amazing journey by visiting "My Chic Summer Collection" digital art exhibition and to take part at the opening on Thursday, August 26, 2010, at 19.00 hrs, event hosted with extraodinary grace by "Arts Concept Cafe" in Bucharest, Dr.Turnescu Street No.1

Multumesc celor care au fost aseara alaturi de mine la vernisaj, m-am bucurat mult sa va revad si sper ca v-ati simtit la fel de bine ca mine, iar celor care nu au avut timp sa ajunga, le transmit cu drag invitatia sa viziteze expozitia si sa guste din atmosfera Arts Concept Cafe pana la sfarsitul anului, in fiecare zi, intre orele 14.00-23.00
I wish to thank everyone who attended last night the opening of my exhibition, I was very happy to see you again. For those who could not participate, I warmly convey the invitation to visit the exhibition and taste Arts Concept Cafe's atmosphere until the year's end, each day, between 14.00-23.00



Angelov Gallery

Am deosebita placere sa va invit sa vizitati galeria virtuala de arta "Angelov Gallery" unde, la sectiunea "Digital Art", puteti vedea cateva din creatiile mele de arta digitala pe care galeria are bunavointa a le prezenta incepand cu luna Iunie 2010. Pentru mai multe detalii va rog sa dati click pe link-ul de mai jos.
Comentariile voastre vor fi mai mult decat apreciate pe blog-ul Galeriei Angelov:
I am delighted to invite you to visit the virtual art gallery "Angelov Gallery" where, under the section "Digital Art", you can see some of my digital art creations which the art gallery has the courtesy of presenting starting with this month of June 2010. For more details please click the link below:
Your comments would be more than welcomed on Angelov Gallery's blog:

MensualART Gallery 25

MensualART Gallery 25

VERNISAJ EXPOZITIE MensualART Gallery25, Duminica, 25 Aprilie 2010 ora 11.30

Am placerea sa va invit sa intrati in atmosfera de duminica dand click pe link-ul de mai jos pentru a vizualiza pe site-ul Galeriei MensualART25 "Evenimente", imaginile vernisajului.

I have the pleasure to invite you to enter into Sunday's event atmosphere by accessing the below link in order to have a glimpse of the exhibition opening images on MensualART Gallery25's site under "Events".

"Remember Autumn Aroma" Clip

I am pleased to invite you to watch "Remember Autumn Arom" Clip I created with my artwork, part of "My Magic Branches Collection", and listen to the soundtrack song "Remember" composed by Andrei Manea from "Secret Society" rock band and performed by them.
To enjoy the clip, please click on the link below:
or clik on the below video cover image.

"Remember Autumn Aroma" Clip



Monday, May 13, 2013